10 tips to help you clean and organise your house fast

10 tips to help you clean and organise your house fast
family and cleaner organising cleaning materials with child setting home cleaning routine

Cleaning hacks for the home : Setting a Cleaning Routine for your kids to follow

How to encourage your children to help with cleaning the house

As the owner of a professional domestic cleaning company. I come across messy bedrooms daily. It’s an unavoidable occupational hazard in my line of work. 

I see the difference in homelife when there is a set routine in place for children to follow. When I begin a cleaning contract for a family who doesn’t have a cleaning routine in place one of the first tasks is to create a cleaning routine for the family to follow between visits. This can help immensely with the general mood in the house. The old saying a cluttered home means a cluttered mind rings true. 

Encouraging children to clean up after themselves can make the difference between you having to decide between having an hour to relax in the evening or waking up to mess in every room. 

How do you encourage kids to clean up after themselves

It is often said that “it’s much easier to create good habits than to try to change bad habits.” This statement holds true, especially when it comes to instilling valuable habits in our children. One such habit that can have a profound impact on their lives is maintaining a cleaning routine from an early age.

By establishing a cleaning routine for your child’s room, you are setting them on a path to develop good habits that will stay with them throughout their life. When children are introduced to the concept of regular cleaning and organisation, they begin to understand the importance of cleanliness and taking care of their personal space.

Learning the Importance of Cleanliness

Children are like sponges, absorbing information and experiences from their surroundings. When they see their parents and caregivers prioritising cleanliness and maintaining an organised environment, they naturally start to emulate those behaviours. By consistently cleaning their room, children learn that a clean and tidy space is not just aesthetically pleasing but also contributes to a healthier and more comfortable living environment.

Cultivating a Sense of Responsibility

A cleaning routine instils a sense of responsibility in children. They learn that their room is their personal space, and it is their responsibility to keep it clean and organised. This sense of ownership over their environment fosters independence and a sense of accomplishment when they successfully maintain their space. There are some great tips and tricks on how to encourage them from a young age.

Building Self-Sufficiency

As children grow, they develop a greater sense of autonomy. A cleaning routine helps them become more self-sufficient as they learn to take care of their belongings and organise their room on their own. This independence extends beyond their personal space and can positively impact other areas of their life, such as schoolwork and extracurricular activities. Before long this behaviour snowballs over time.

Preparing for Adulthood

The habits and values children develop in their formative years can carry forward into adulthood. By establishing a cleaning routine early on, you are providing them with a solid foundation of essential life skills. As they grow older and move out on their own, they will have the tools to maintain a clean and organised living space, contributing to their overall well-being and success in life.

Promoting a Positive Mindset

A clean and clutter-free environment has a significant impact on a child’s mindset. It creates a space that is conducive to focus, creativity, and relaxation. When children see the positive effects of a clean room on their mood and productivity, they are more likely to appreciate the importance of cleanliness and continue practising good habits.

10 reasons to teach your children to clean and organise

1. Instilling Good Habits: 

It’s much easier to create good habits than to try to change bad habits. 

By establishing a cleaning routine from an early age, you are instilling good habits in your child. They learn the importance of cleanliness, organisation, and taking care of their personal space. These habits can carry forward into adulthood, making them more responsible and self-sufficient.

2. Promoting Time Management: 

A cleaning routine teaches your child to manage their time effectively. When they have a specific time allocated for cleaning their room, they learn to prioritise tasks and complete them within a set timeframe. This skill is valuable in various aspects of life, from school to future careers.

3. Reducing Overwhelm

Children often find cleaning overwhelming, especially if their room is messy. Having a set routine breaks down the cleaning process into manageable tasks. They learn that cleaning can be done incrementally, which reduces stress and makes the task more achievable.

4. Enhancing Organisation Skills

 Cleaning routines involve organising belongings, putting things in their designated places, and decluttering. Through this process, children develop organisation skills, making it easier for them to find and access their belongings when needed.

5. Creating a Calm Environment

A tidy and organised room promotes a sense of calm and tranquillity. When children have a clean space, they can concentrate better on their studies, play, and creative activities. It also helps them relax and unwind, promoting better sleep patterns.

6. Fostering a Sense of Ownership

When children are involved in setting up and following their cleaning routine, they feel a sense of ownership over their space. They take pride in maintaining their room, making it feel more like their personal sanctuary.

7. Strengthening Family Bond

 Implementing a cleaning routine can become a fun and bonding activity for the entire family. Parents can join in and help their children clean, turning it into a positive shared experience that brings the family together.

8. Minimising Health Risks: 

Regular cleaning helps to eliminate dust, allergens, and germs, creating a healthier living environment for your child. It reduces the risk of allergies, respiratory issues, and other health problems associated with a dusty and unclean room.

9. Building Self-Esteem

Successfully completing their cleaning tasks boosts your child’s self-esteem and confidence. They feel a sense of accomplishment and are motivated to maintain a clean and organised space.

10. Teaching Responsibility

A cleaning routine teaches children the value of taking responsibility for their actions and environment. They understand that their room is their own responsibility, and cleaning it is part of being a responsible family member.

Incorporating a cleaning routine into your child’s daily life has numerous positive effects beyond just a tidy room. It shapes their character, instils lifelong skills, and creates a positive and harmonious living environment for the entire family.