How many hours do i need to hire a cleaner for each week?
The Scottish Cleaning Company can help you estimate how many hours you will require per week for a single person, how many hours cleaning you will need a week for a family home.
Remember just because you are booking x-amount of hours cleaning time, this will be split between 2-4 cleaners. So 1 hour cleaning can be completed in 15 mins. 4 hours cleaning can be completed in 1 hour. Thats just one of the advantages of booking the Scottish Cleaning Company over any other domestic cleaning company.
Cleaning for a single occupant / couple in a small property
Q. Im a single person/ couple, how many hours will i need a cleaner for each week in a small flat?
- A. For a small studio / 1 bedroom property occupied by a single occupant or a couple we would recommend 3-4 hours cleaning each week. This can be split over 2 visits each week to ensure surfaces are kept clean and tidy.
Cleaning for a family in a modern home – how many hours ?
Q. I have a family 2 adults, 2 children, we live in a modern 4 bedroom home over 2 levels, can you give me an estimate of how many hours i might need a cleaner for?
- A. For a family of 4-5 living in a typical modern four bedroom home with 2 bathrooms, Recommended weekly cleaning would typically be between 6-12 hours per week.
- This would not include extra services like laundry.
- We would always recommend splitting your hours over 2 weekly visits or more if you have a really busy schedule and would rather we take care of all the daily cleaning activities.
Q.We have a large family, with 6 children, can you recommend the hours of cleaning time we will need each week, Do you provide a cleaning schedule?
- Larger families of 6 -10 living in a large 7 – 10 bedroom property with multiple ensuite bathrooms would require a site visit to discuss the cleaning requirements and daily schedules.
- We offer a free estimate to all our domestic cleaning clients so there is no reason not to call today and arrange a free estimate on 0800 788 0615.
Why hiring a private cleaner off the street is a bad idea ?
Q.Why choose professional cleaners when i can just hire a private cleaner for x-amount
- A.This question comes up occasionally, everyone loves to save a bit of money, on the face of things your hourly rate may be less but there are a few factors that people often overlook.
- We get a lot of customers who have tried hiring private cleaning staff by placing adverts in local papers etc. The results are varied, often good enough at first but quickly we hear that standards begin to slip, areas are missed, some cleaners would nip in for an hour when they were being paid for 3 hours, not realising that the home alarm system was logging their blatant time theft.
- Hiring professional cleaning services from us means you are getting a cleaning service provided by professional, trained, cleaners.
- We are fully insured, all our staff have supplied full references and advanced criminal disclosures.